Help MACU Students Earn A Life-Changing Education
The Evangel Fund helps provide necessary scholarships to MACU students who would not otherwise be able to afford an education. The Evangel Fund makes possible advancement in areas such as general student scholarships, academic improvements, student development programs and service opportunities.

“My parents have three kids and also support my grandmother. My brother has autism. College is all on me. If it weren’t for scholarships, I wouldn’t be able to attend school at all. I am going to be the first person in my family to graduate college because of the scholarships I have received.”
“MACU is preparing me in Bible and theology knowledge that I will use and carry out in my ministry. One thing I’ve enjoyed learning the most is how to discern good theology wherever you hear it.”
“Scholarships are the reason why I’m at school. God has seriously blessed me and provided for me and allowed me to stay here. Receiving scholarships reaffirmed my calling — it’s like God was telling me, ‘I’ll take care of it. I want you to be at MACU.’”