Help reduce the financial burden of education on aspiring ministry students.
MACU is at the forefront of schools dedicated to the call for a desperately needed ministry training center in the central U.S. to prepare Church of God pastors and ministers.
But even with the more than 300 MACU students pursuing ministry programs, there remains an overwhelming deficit of pastoral and ministerial leadership within our movement.
God has shown us a powerful way that we can address this challenge together: The Ministry Advancement Program (MAP) Scholarship. Many dear friends of the university have faithfully supported the MAP Scholarship.
On behalf of each recipient, please allow MACU to say how deeply grateful we are. By supporting our students through prayers and generosity, you help the next generation of CHOG leadership “Dream Bigger” and “Do Greater” every day for the good of God’s Kingdom.
How do your contributions through the MAP Scholarship benefit ministry students?

“I have two brothers and two sisters, and next year, my parents are going to have four kids in college. It’s going to be really tough on them financially. Scholarships make all the difference. Not only do they help me attend school, they remind me that someone out there believes in me. It’s a constant reminder that if God wants it, He’s going to provide it.” – Olivia Dixon ’18
Will you stand with MACU ministry students?
Thank you for considering the financial burden of MACU ministry students.
MAP Donor Agreement
Fill out the Donor Application and return to the Church Scholarship office to start your relationship with MACU as we help educate the future leaders of the Church of God.