Hello! I’m Kevin, and I am blessed and honored to call myself MACU’s Campus Pastor! A little about me… I am from New Jersey (I would love for you to ask me what brought me to Oklahoma), I LOVE to cook almost as much as I love to eat, I love exploring the outdoors, I married my absolute best friend named Linda, and we have a beautiful little boy named Wilder. Our favorite thing to do is sing and dance in the kitchen with my guitar. I am powered by coffee, boba tea, and the grace of Jesus! My heart is to invite others into a relationship with Jesus with love, truth, hope and grace – whether they have sat in a church pew their whole lives, or have never opened up the Bible.
Get plugged into what God is doing in our MACU Family!
Chapel Services
Every Wednesday and Friday at 10:05am we have our chapel services for our students, faculty and staff. God calls us to be a community and it is also our heart to worship Him as a community! We are excited for you to be a part of our praise and worship experience with MACU Worship and to be encouraged by Biblically-centered messages from carefully and prayerfully selected speakers.
Small Groups
Every Monday evening, our Campus Ministry Team leads a small group consisting of FREE food and real conversations. One of the platforms we use is called Alpha, and it is for every student – whether they have been in church their whole lives or have never opened the Bible once – to wrestle with questions about faith, purpose, The Bible, and life. We cannot emphasize enough that EVERY student is invited to our weekly small groups in the resident halls. This is not a place to be judged, it’s a place to be plugged into our community on campus.
Not only does the leadership at MACU want to encourage you from behind the pulpit, we also want to engage with students at a table. Being in college and navigating through faith are tough. Don’t do either alone. Our amazing staff and faculty serve as incredible mentors to help students navigate through life in small, intimate settings. As Timothy was guided by the Apostle Paul, our students have the opportunity to be guided in faith by our staff and faculty.
Devos After Dark
Once a month, our Campus Ministry Team puts on a student-led service at night with snacks, acoustic worship, a message from one of our Campus Ministry Team Leaders, and a great time of fellowship!
Questions & Coffee
“How do we know God is real?” “If God is good, why does He let bad things happen?” “How do I know if I am in a good relationship?” “Is drinking alcohol a sin?”
Everyone has questions about The Bible. Atheists, Christians, and everyone in between wonder a lot of things about God, The Bible, and life in general. Questions & Coffee is an event where a panel of our wonderful ministry professors answer questions anonymously submitted by students. At MACU, we are proud to have some of the most loving and humble, yet Biblically studious individuals serve as our ministry professors! Come and ask questions!
Service to the Community
We don’t believe Christ-followers are just called to sing songs, listen to messages and sit within the four walls of a house of worship. We believe God’s people are also called to go out into the world and be the hands of feet of Jesus! Every semester Campus Ministries has opportunities for students to serve the community whether by giving food to those with food insecurities, giving resources to the impoverished, volunteering at non-profit organizations, and much more.
Campus Ministries Team
We believe that every believer is called to serve in ministry. Campus Ministries provides the opportunity for students to serve Jesus on campus! This includes being a singer or musician on the worship team, being on the welcome team for chapel services, being a prayer partner during an altar response, and other ways that you can use your talents to serve God and people at MACU.